Wide Open Space

Instagram Hate mail

An attempt to document the html education of a graphic designer who has never dabbled in html before. A space for imagery, thoughts, shitposts, experimentation and anything else this designer wants to add to the hellscape that is the internet.

HTML Energy is chill

20.03.2021, 07:44

I haven't spent time on WOS in a while but I recently stubmled onto the wonderful HTML Energy podcast and I've been inspired to keep going. I love that there are so many people out there doing the same kinda thing for so many different reasons.

27.09.2020, 18:58

I haven't built a PC in 14 years. Here's my first attempt using scavenged parts from eBay-Kleinanzeigen. Unfortunately the RAM I purchased was not compatible with my mainboard but I'll be able to fix that soon.

10.06.2020, 08:58

It has been an intense two weeks. Documenting my digital learning on here seemed like a frivolous act but I figured I could make it useful if I linked to some of the more important resources out there. Here are some I have found useful for life in May/June 2020. #BlackLivesMatter

Naughty imagery asbtracted with Blender3D

25.05.2020, 08:02

This morning I spent some time adjusting the padding of various elements on mobile. Turns out I left an enter class out of the mobile section of my CSS, meaning the padding wasn't updating no matter what I was changing. I don't know how people do this for a living. Anyways, marquee! Oh shit sonnnnnn

Chemical Percussion artwork created with Blender3D

22.05.2020, 16:02

I tried to change my current flexbox layout on mobile from showing 4 items really small in a row, or stacking everything in a single column, to showing 2 images in a row. I can't seem to wrap my head around it but I'll try again soon. I tweaked some mobile text sizes and image corner radii. I also added the artwork I made for Chemical Percussion – a friend's music project. It was created in Blender using Dinamo's Favorit Lining as a starting point. Happy with how distressed and noisy it looks 😈.

Github MacOS in action

21.05.2020, 08:40

So this morning I finally linked this all up to Github. This task seemed so daunting for some reason but it was really easy. I finally have version control and I can stop dragging the entire website folder into Netlify every time I make a minor edit. Yay! 🥳


20.05.2020, 21:40

Today I tried to figure flexbox out. I guess it’s pretty straightforward but I’m not sure how to stop the padding between the items from padding around the sides too 🤔 (other than padding the left of one object and right of the other). I should also create another class for images that will be in a flexbox instead of just reusing the ‘figure’ class I created for other images. Also, the damn footer keeps going off centre when I drag the window mobile size. I dunno. That’s enough for today 🥱.


17.05.2020, 21:04

I managed to get images onto the site, round their corners, and add a caption underneath. I then added a sticky footer that I found confusing for some reason. But it's there. I also added 2 links to the top of the page. Try them out.

Blender3D chromed porn blob
Flossy Friedrichshain, Lockdown 2020